Tuesday, 8 January 2013

WIP Chameleon skinks - speed painting #1

I'm working with 'Shaded Basecoat' Technique now. Below you can see picture of my chameleon skinks at the first stage. It's just basecoat and first highlights. 

Pracuje obecnie tehniką 'Shaded Basecoat'. Na zdjęciach kamole pokryte podkładem z początkowymi rozjaśnieniami.

Question for You: would you like me to post some Science informations and fun facts (mostly about nature, but not only)? On the right side you can see survey - please, share with me your opinion. 

Pytanie do Was: czy chcielibyście abym dodawał także informacje i ciekawostki ze świata nauki związane z Naturą (i nie tylko)? Po prawej stronie pojawi się ankieta - proszę podzielcie się swoim zdaniem.


  1. I hope you don't mind if I follow you. I've only been painting since April 2012 and I need to learn things still. I really like the figures you are painting and I can learn from your tutorials.

    I'm adding you to my blogroll so I don't miss your posts.

    Thank you,
    Anne O'Leary

  2. I'm glad, that my hints are helpful (that was the main purpose of this blog ;p). Please, don't hesitate to add your suggestions or questions. And keep painting! :)

    Thank you, for adding me to your blogroll

